Founded in 1991, IBDPro is built on service

Founded in 1991, IBDpro (Insurance By Design) is a retail insurance agency that specializes in professional 
liability insurance for insurance professionals. Our lines of business include:
•  E & O – Errors & Omissions
•  Cyber – Privacy Liability & Breach Response
•  D & O – Directors & Officers Liability
•  Crime – Commercial Crime & Employee Dishonesty
•  EPLI – Employment Practices Liability
•  Fiduciary – Fiduciary Liability

OUR CLIENTS range from retail agents just starting out to national MGAs writing $250 million or 
more in business. They include:
•  Retail Insurance Agents
•  Wholesale Agents
•  Reinsurance Brokers
•  MGAs, MGUs & Program Administrators
•  Claims Adjusters & TPAs
•  Insurance Companies
•  Insurance Consultants & Actuaries

OUR MARKETS are all rated A- IX ($250 million+) or better by A M Best. We currently work with over 
15 different markets and access them on both a submission and semi- automatic basis.

OUR STRATEGY is to focus on the professional and management liability needs of people and entities 
in the insurance industry. The resulting depth of knowledge and expertise in the class permits us to outperform our generalist competitors. Our approach on each account is to quantify the risk 
profile, place it with the market providing terms that meet the needs of the insured, and negotiate 
pricing that is fair and competitive. Hence our tag line, “The Right Coverage at a Fair Price!”

Curious to know more about our company?  See Our Product Offerings below.

protecting you is our business

Since 1991, IBDPro has served the needs of Insurance Agents and MGAs. 

Got Questions?  Give us a call today! 


Since 1991, IBDPro has been focusing on the needs of Insurance Professionals