E&O Tips for Insurance agents
- Document your file.
- Make notes of all business related conversations with customers and prospects
- Date stamp all mail indicating the date it was received and make sure faxes and emails show the date you received them.
- Check your customer’s policy before sending it to them, to be sure the coverage are correct.
- Have your customers sign rejection letters for any coverage you suggest that they decline.
- Do not make promises that you cannot keep.
- Check all renewals to be sure that coverage has not changed.
- Make sure that all quotes have an expiration date .
- Make sure that your employees are familiar with your agency procedures.
- Make sure that customers confirm any changes to coverage in writing.
- If you have a potential E&O claim, report it promptly.
- Any delay in doing so will make it more difficult to defend, or may result in a denial of coverage.
- Make sure that you explain policy exclusion to your customers.
- Keep up to date with company procedures, policy forms and special endorsements.
- Make sure that your customers sign every application for insurance.